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A CAD based Architectural Information
System for even partly ruined buildings


Erwin Heine

Erwins Maya startpage

Ph.D., Graz Technical University, June 1997                                German version 

SRX image libarySRX image libarySRX image libary 


The present methodology of building documentation is designed for the precise, hierarchically structured description of buildings by means of architectural elements.
Subsequently, the building can be represented on the computer as a digital three-dimensional surface model made up of the bounding surfaces of the individual mass elements.
Using this approach of model creation even partly ruined buildings, in which the floors are covered with rubble, for example, can be documented without the surveyor being troubled with the interpretation of possible wall lines or floor areas.
Tasks can therefore be definitely assigned, thus safeguarding data consistency and enhancing the efficiency of this method of documentation.
Since the architectural description is not focused on the mass elements but rather on their visible bounding surfaces, i.e. space elements, this method can be applied not only to the documentation of conventional buildings but also to cave systems and similar structures.


The incorporation of the hierarchical structure of architectural elements in the computer model allows for the definition of highly complex element-specific queries.
Apart from the possibilities of visualization already described this new approach has also resulted in the creation of a powerful tool for structural analysis.
Dimensional analyses can be performed according to elements or other criteria, their efficiency and significance being enhanced by precise measurements, convenient selection of individual dimensions and the possibility of direct transfer to data base systems and programs of statistical analysis for further processing.
The same applies to investigations on the alignment of buildings and squares or differences in the levels of habitation layers.

The second part of this work deals with an practical application of this method.
The potentiality of modern computer-aided design and the call for plans for the Maya-site of Santa Rosa Xtampak led to the geodetic/photogrammetric work with the aim of producing - for the first time in the history of Maya-resarch - a three-dimensional „digital architecture model" of a Maya-building.
It will be described the surveying method and the three dimensional computer-modelling of an ancient Maya-structure, just as the application of animation software for its presentation and reconstruction. The possibility of dynamical visualization in form of „virtual walk“ or „virtual fly over“ offers thorough and realistic visual impression of the building.
